Croatian Institute of Public Administration International Conference 2013.


  • Abstracts of Opening Session: "Europeanization of public administration and public policy" [download]
  • Abstracts of Session 1: "The networked governance in Europe" [download]
  • Abstracts of Session 2: "New trends in local governance West and East" [download]
  • Abstracts of Session 3: "Civil servants and politicians in European and international perspective" [download]
  • Abstracts of Session 4: "Citizens, administration and the protection of human rights in an enlarged Union" [download]
  • Abstracts of Session 5: "The implementation of social policy" [download]
  • Abstracts of Session 6: "Public administration under pressure: the effects of financial crisis on public sector" [download]
  • Abstracts of Closing Session: "Theory and Practice of Public Administration and Policy" [download]
  • Abstracts from Ph.D. Workshop [download]
  • Book of all Conference abstracts [download]