CCPA publishes peer-reviewed papers dealing with various aspects of public administration issues.
These include::
1. Reviewed papers–these undergo a review and may be categorised as the following:Prior to publication, papers are categorised in the corresponding journal sections. The Editorial Board decides on the categorisation upon the suggestions made by the reviewers and proposal of the Editor-in-Chief, the Assistant Editors, and the Executive Editor. The review is a double-blind process that guarantees the anonymity of authors and reviewers alike.
Papers are published in Croatian or English, and only exceptionally in another language (Slovenian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese). The Editorial Board shall arrange for translations of longer paper summaries in Croatian, and provides language-editing and proofreading services for accepted papers free of charge. The Editorial Board also reserves the right to intervene in the content of the paper in case the writing does not satisfy the technical requirements of the journal or when this is necessary in order to avoid legal responsibility. Finally, the Editorial Board reserves the right to amend parts of the text which are not necessary for the paper itself, which are not in accordance with the standards of scientific journals, or which contain statements that may result in some form of responsibility of the Editorial Board.
Exceptionally, when the Editorial Board findsit appropriate, a special volume published as a supplement to the journal maybe issued. This volume may contain:
Papers undergoing categorisation in Croatian and Comparative Public Administration undergo two double-blind reviews. At least one of these needs to be performed by a reviewer from outside of Croatia. Reviewers are renowned international and Croatian scientists and university professors. Reviewers must possess at least a PhD in the relevant field. Non-Croatian reviewers are generally from countries outside the territory of the former Yugoslavia, if the language of the paper or the language competences of the reviewer permit this. If it is not possible to find reviewers outside the territory of the former Yugoslavia, a reviewer fluent in Croatian is chosen. When a paper deals with a country-specific topic, a reviewer from that country is selected.
The review report is completed in writing and the reviewers recommend an appropriate categorisation for the paper (original scientific paper, review scientific paper, preliminary scientific report, or professional paper).
In case of conflicting reviews, the paper undergoes a third, and, if necessary, a fourth review.
The reviewers’ comments are delivered to the author without the reviewers’ names. In case of any comments on part of the reviewers, the authors are expected to amend and/or update their papers with regard to the instructions of the reviewers.
The Editorial Bord makes a final decision on the categorisation of the papers, based on the papers themselves, the reviewers’ recommendations, and the proposal of the Editor-in-Chief, the Assistant Editors and Executive Editor. The meetings of the Editorial Board are held four times a year, prior to the publication of every issue. If the first review suggests that the paper is a professional paper and the Editor-in-Chief, the Assistant Editors, and the Executive Editor agree with this categorisation proposal, the paper is not reviewed further.
The Editorial Board also supervises the citation used in the paper in order to reduce the possibility of plagiarism.
The paper should be submitted in Word document, Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing.
The reference list should be listed at the end of the paper in Times New Roman, 11, single spacing
All the tables/graphs/pictures should be placed in the appropriate place in the text and their source should be stated (Source: ).
In case the tables/graphs/pictures are taken directly from other publications the authors should provide a written statement by the publisher allowing them to reproduce the object.
3.Citation and reference list
The citations and reference list should be made according to APA 6 citation style (
This way of citing consists of in-text citation while the footnotes are used for further explanations.
The correct way of citing is to state the author's surname, year and page (if applicable) (Surname, 2005, p. 23; Surname & Surname, 2006, pp. 12-18). In case of three or more authors only the first author's surname is listed followed by the et al. (Surname et al., 2015).
Example 1: In Scandinavian countries these doctrine did not provoke any serious negative consequences for the local self-government (Koprić, 2006, p. 151).
Example 2: „Some of the previous researches (Berman & Wang, 2000; Wang & Berman, 2001; Folz et al., 2009; Van Dooren, 2005; Salazar & de Arkos Martinez, 2013) have proven size to be important for performance measurement.”
3.2. All the references should be stated at the end of the paper, listed alphabetically. Only those sources cited in the text can be inserted in the reference list.
The legal sources should be listed separately from other sources.
In case the reference points to a certain web page it is not necessary to state the data of visiting the page but the author should control if the web link is functional.
In case some the references contains the DOI number it should be written.
3.3. In case the reference is in language other than English in the reference list the translation in English should be inserted into brackets.
3.4. Citing in the reference list:
Rule: Surname, I., & Surname, O. (year). Title. Place of publication, State: Publisher. DOI (if existing)
Example: Koprić, I., Marčetić, G., Musa, A., Đulabić, V., & Lalić Novak, G. (2014). Administrative science. Zagreb, Croatia: Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb.
Chapter in the book
Rule: Surname, I. (year). Chapter title. In I. Surname (ed.) Book Title (ppr. XX-XX). Place, State: Published, DOI
Example: Manning, N., & Lau, E. (2016). Public management reforms across OECD countries. In T. Bovaird, & E. Loeffler (eds.) Public Management and Governance (3rd ed.) (pp. 39-54). London,UK: Routledge.
Paper published in journal
Rule: Surname, I. (year). Paper title. Journal title, volume(issue), XX- XX. Doi
Example: Koprić, I. (2011). Administrative Technology and General Administrative Procedure: Challenges and Changes in South-Eastern Europe. Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava – Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, 11(2), 435–454.
Paper presented in a conference
Rule: Surname, I. (year). Paper/presentation title. Paper presented at Conference name. Place
Example: Ivanišević, S. (2010). Teritorial organization of local self government in European countries. Paper presented at the scientif round table organized by the Croatian Academy of Science „New local self-government“. Zagreb.
Rule: Author/Organization (year). Document title [Publication type]. Retrieved from the web page:
Example: Sigma (2014). The Principles of Public Administration [Report]. Retrieved from
Legal sources
Law on General Administrative Procedure, Official Gazzette, 47/09
Court or administrative decisions
Rule: Decision Court name, Decision number, date
Example: Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, U-I-351/2016, Zagreb, 20. 4. 2016.
Newspaper article
Rule: Surname, I. (year). Title of the article. Newspaper name, Newspaper number, page, date od publication
Example: Koprić, I. (2016.) Public administration and politics. Vrbovečke novine, 59, p. 6, 29.4.2016.
Blog or other online sources
Rule: Surname, I. or Username (data of publication). Title [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www.example.
Example: Đulabić, V. (2016). Regionalization in Croatia. Retrieved from blog Administratio Publica