New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"


Dear readers and followers, a new issue of the Croatian and Comparative Public Administration (4/2021) has just been published.

New issue of the journal contains six scientific papers, authored by the international and Croatian scholars.In their paper, N. Štefanišinová, N. Jakuš Muthová, J. K.Šulajová offer an extensive analytical review of the application and the implementation of the artificial intelligence in health and social services and discuss the related challenges. A. Karatas empirically analyses the relationship between democracy and governance, concluding that the quality of governance strongly influences the quality of democracy in individual countries according to all the compared dimensions. V. Mačkić and F. Rusmir provide an interesting panel-data analysis, using data from eleven new members of the European union, about the relationship of austerity policies and electoral cycles. I. Jusufi wrote a case study analysing the lifespan and the termination of the European Agency for Reconstructionwithin the context of general regime of the establishment, functioning and termination of EU agencies. J. Dujmović Bocka and B. Bakota write about network governance patterns in the Croatian higher education system and the role of agencies in creating network approaches within this field. B. Morić Milovanović and Ž. Tutić analyse the results of their own empirical research on business incubators, writing about the roles, activities and overall significance of this important entrepreneurial support institutions in Croatia.