New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"


Dear readers and followers, a new issue of the Croatian and Comparative Public Administration (3/2022) has just been published.

This issue of the journal develops around two topics. The first topic deals with the social, historical and health challenges in public administration. The journal open with the paper written by Adnan Söylemez and Hakkÿ M. Ay who have dedicated their research to the question of elderly population and the practices of age-friendly cities in Turkey. László Vértesy and Teketel Bekalo Lemango give an interesting overview of the development of public administration in Ethiopia under three different regimes. The block concludes with the paper written by Ylber Aliu on the effects of the pandemic on the labour market in Kosovo. The second thematic block presents papers that are the result of the scientific project „Public policy goals“. This block opens with the introduction by the project leader Ana Petek in which the goals and the methodology of the project are presented. Krešimir Petković presents the research results on the problems of coherence and correspondence of the goals of Croatian public policies. Marko Kovačić had devoted his research to the question of evidence-based policy making as the goal of Croatian public policies, while Marjeta Šinko and Ana Petek write on the gender awareness of policies in Croatia.