Dear readers and followers, the number 3/2016 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.
The new issue of the journal contains eight scientific papers, three thereof written in English language. Professor Hellmutt Wollmann writes about the utilization of evaluation results in policy-making and administration. Jeffrey M. Sellers and Michele Breuillard have devoted their papers to the topic of urban governance in theory and with the emphasis on France. Four papers deal with public law: Mateja Held writes about the application of the European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Milan Marković and Aleksandra Vukašinović write about the European citizenship and its development, Gordan Struić writes about the authentic interpretation in the Croatian parliamentary law since 1947 while Davor Trlin writes about the juditial control of public administration. Iva Lopižić has devotes her paper to the topic of deconcentrated state administration.
Alongside scientific articles, this issue contains court and administrative practice of the High Administrative Court of Croatia, Administrative Court in Split and Civil Servants Commission. A number of news and information about relevant conferences and round tables andthe actual topic on the Spanish Network of Smart Cities is published as well.