New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"


Dear readers and followers, the number 4/2015 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.

The new issue of the journal contains seven scientific papers of which three written in English and four in Croatian. Within first thematic bloc Šprela Zagorc writes about the institute of decision-making within a reasonable time in administrative procedures. Second thematic bloc - public finances and accounting - comprises three papers. Tatjana Jovanović is focusing on public sector accounting in Slovenia and Croatia, while Tereza Rogić Lugarić is preocuppied with the question of tax secrecy. In his paper, Stjepan Gadžo writes about the position of public bodies in new Croatian system of value added tax . Within thematic bloc administraive theory three papers are published. In his paper, Teo Giljević writes about the influence of organizational environment on administrative coordination, Mirko Pečarič is focused on a heterarchic model of good governance, while Danijel Baturina examines civil society in the context of europeanization.

Alongside the scientific articles, this issue contains views on reform of local and regional self-government, book review, court and administrative practice of Supreme Administrative court of Croatia, Administrative court in Rijeka and Croatian regulatory authority for network industries. Finally, a number of news and information about relevant conferences and round tables is published as well.