New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"


Dear readers and followers, the number 3/2015 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.

The new issue of the journal contains papers dealing with the local services provision. This thematic bloc contains six scientific papers written in English. Lisheng Dong and Xuanhui Liu deal with public service reform in China, Torsten Seidel and Timo Vakkuri write about quasi-market arrangements in local public transportation in Germany and Finland, while Lisheng Dong, Qun Cui and Tom Christensen in their paper focus on the local public services provision in China. Juraj Nemec, Jana Soukopová and Beata Mikušová Meričková are preoccupied with economic aspects of the municipal waste management in Czech Republic and Slovakia, Christopher J. Smith and Daniel Rauhut are dealing with the Commission ‘activism’ in the implementation convergence of Social Services of General Interest in the EU, while Primož Pevcin and Iztok Rakar in their paper focus on legal, organisational, economic and financial aspects of local public services in Slovenia.

Alongside the scientific articles, this issue contains court practice of the Administrative court in Rijeka, a number of news and information about relevant conferences and round tables and a glossary written by Jasmina Džinić.