New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"


Dear readers and followers, the number 1/2015 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.

The new issue of the journal contains papers dealing with comparative public administration. The new issue contains seven scientific papers written in Croatian.

Within the thematic block on comparative public administration, Ivan Koprić introduces the structure of the papers and Goranka Lalić Novak explains appliance of comparative research method in studying public administration. Gordana Marčetić gives an overview of comparative civil service systems. The following papers are focused on public administration and political system of four European countries, dealing with political and constitutional arrangements, territorial organisation, state administration, public services, personal systems and administrative reforms. Petra Đurman writes about public administration and political system in the United Kingdom, Iva Lopižić gives an overview of this issue in the case of France, Romea Manojlović deals with the case of Germany, Jasmina Džinić with Estonian case and Mihovil Škarica with Albania. Within the rubric on current issues, Hrvoje Marušić is writing about public administration reform in the context of Eurointegration processes.

Alongside the scientific articles, this issue contains one book review, court practice by the High administrative court of the Republic of Croatia, Administrative courts in Split and Rijeka, and the Civil Service Commission of the Republic of Croatia. The journal also contains a number of news and information about relevant conferences and round tables