Dear readers and followers, the number 4/2014 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.
The new issue of the journal contains papers dealing with the protection of human rights in administrative and judicial proceedings. The paper published in this issue of the journal are the product of the joint bilateral project between the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb and the Graduate School for Government and European Studies, Kranj, Slovenia.
In the first paper, professor Ivan Koprić gives an overview of Croatian-Slovenian Project Protection of Human Rights in Administrative and Judicial Proceedings, which is followed by five papers of Slovenian and another five papers of Croatian authors. The first part of the journal contains five papers written in Slovenian. Matej Avbelj is writting about the legal protection of individuals in administrative law of the European Union, while Polonca Kovač assesses trends in Slovenia and European Union regarding participation and information access in administrative procedure. Jernej Podlipnik deals with the taxation of unreported personal income, Vojko Strahovnik, and Gašper Škarja focus on ethics and integrity management and the codes of ethics in administration, while Jernej Letnar Černič: gives an critical evaluation of the operation of the Slovenian ombudsman. The second block contains five papers in Croatian. Goranka Lalić Novak deals with the right to asylum in case law, Frane Staničić and Ana Đanić write about legality and constitutionality of general acts in Croatian law and the practice of the High administrative court of the Republic of Croatia, Lana Ofak is focused on the question of limiting the legal position of the parties in the special administrative procedures, Marko Turudić deals with administrative court supervision of the regulatory agencies for network industries, while Mateja Crnković examines administrative contracts in Croatian legal system.
Alongside the scientific articles, this issue contains opinions on the proposal of the Strategy for the development of Croatian public administration 2014-2020, court practice by the High administrative court of the Republic of Croatia, Administrative courts in Rijeka and Split, and a number of news and information about relevant conferences and round tables.