Dear readers and followers, the number 3/2014 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.
The new issue of the journal contains papers dealing with the topic of public services, civil service, local democracy and security and intelligence services. All papers are written in Croatian.
In the first part of the new issue two papers dealing with the topic of public services are published. Emina Ahmetović, Medina Ahmedić, Almira Muharemović, Edina Nožinović, Aleksandar Draganić, Vesna Katić, Edin Islamović are writing about the puls methodology in examining the level of citizens’ satisfaction with public services, while Desanka Sarvan analyses the implementation of new public management measures in water management. The second part of the journal also contains two papers, dealing with the topic of civil service. In his paper, Damir Juras focuses on disciplinary measures of customs servants, while Alen Benazić analyses the impact of organizational reforms and downsizing on the quality of human resources in public administration. In the following section Vojko Rešetar deals with conducting referendum on the local level in Croatia, while Krešimir Margaletić in the last section analyses normative framework of the security and intelligence system in Croatia.
Alongside the scientific articles, the new issue contains book review, court practice and a number of news and information about relevant conferences and round tables. In addition, a glossary written by Jasmina Džinić has been published.