Dear readers and followers, the number 2/2014 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued. The new issue of the journal contains papers dealing with European governance, public sector ethics, public finances and decentralization, Croatian state and election rights, as well as administrative law. Four papers are written in English and three papers in Croatian.
The first part of the issue deals with European governance containing two papers. Paper published by assistant professor Anamarija Musa is devoted to the topic of reforming the European Union’s Agency Governance. In his paper, Paweł Swianiewicz deals with Polish regions and the impact of Europeanization. The second part of the journal comprises two papers dealing with the topic of public sector ethics. Tony Evans is analysing the moral economy of street-level service, while Dagmar Radin and Brian Shoup deal with the question of party instability, institutional incentive, and corruption in emerging democracies. The third part of the journal, covering the issue public finances and decentralization, includes paper about fiscal decentralization and fiscal imbalance in Croatia and European Union countries written by Anto Bajo and Marko Primorac. In thematic block devoted to the question of Croatian state and election rights Ivan Kosnica explains Croatian-Slavonian Affiliation in Croatia and Slavonia in the Period after the Croatian-Hungarian Agreement of 1868. The last section of the journal contains paper dealing with the legal nature of public procurement contract published by Anica Drmić.
Alongside the scientific articles, issue contains book review, court practice and a number of news and information about relevant conferences and round tables. In addition, Recommendations adopted by the Forum of public administration on reforming public administration in Croatia have been published.