New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"
Dear readers and followers, the number 1/2018 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.This issue of the journal is devoted to the topics of migration and integration in Europe. The journal contains six high quality scientific paper. The first session of the journal is devoted to the topics of diversity and public governance. The first paper is written by P. Scholen and it deals with the urban governance of migration-related diversity. R. Istferi explains the ‘Multicultural Agenda’ in Kosovo and its influence on state and peace building. D. Campagna and D. Jelinčić examine the set ofindicators of interculturalism in local cultural policies on the example of three Croatian candidates for the European capital of culture.
The second section of the journal is devoted to the topics of refugee crisis, governance and public administration. In that respect, Y. Elicin examines the capacity of Istanbul to deal with the migration crisis. A. Čekerevac, N. Perišićand J. Tanasijević write about social services provided for immigrants in Serbia while G. Bulli and S. C. examine the reaction of political parties in Italy to the immigration crisis.