Dear readers and followers, the number 4/2016 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.
The papers published in the new issue of the journal deal with decentralization and multi-level governance as well as with administrative modernization. In the section dedicated to decentralization and multi-level governance Carlo Panara explains the role of multi-level governance in the legal system of the European Union. Jill L. Tao writes about decentralization in unitary states, in this case in South Korea and China. Pekka Kettunen writes about local public services, in this case about health services in Finland. The group of authors (Ilona Pálné Kovács, Ákos Bodor, István Finta, Zoltán Grünhut, Péter Kacziba, Gábor Zongor) present the results of their research about decentralization in Hungary. In the section dedicated to administrative modernization, Gordana Žurga writes about quality management in Slovene public administration, Nevia Čičin-Šain presents new possibility for the relationship between tax administration and citizens and Nevena Jerak Muravec, Martina Poljičak Sušec and Doris Jerak write about the harmonization of statistical services and Croatian position within. All the papers are published in English and categorized as scientific papers.
Alongside scientific articles, this issue contains court of the Administrative Court in Rijeka, a number of news and information about relevant conferences and round tables and the actual topic on the event in Croatia in 2015 written by Ivan Koprić and Mihovil Škarica.