Dear readers and followers, the number 2/2018 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.
This issue of the journal is devoted to the topics of migration and integration in Europe. The journal contains six high quality scientific paper. The first session of the journal is devoted to the topics of migration, integration and public governance. T. Samahon writes about American immigration micro-federalism, differentiating between sanctuary and restrictionist jurisdictions and explaining Trump’s immigration policy. N. Kersting writes about migration and integration in German cities while T. VukojičićTomić explains the challenges of diversity management to migrantintegration, with an emphasis on EU regulation.
The second section of the journal deals with refugee crisis and public administration. B. Speer explains the external and internal effects of how Austria has handled the refugee crisis, V. Stančetić offers guidelines for the design of a refugee policy in the Western Balkans while I. Lopižić and G. Lalić Novak explain the role of deconcentratedstate administration in migration and integration affairs, giving a number of comparative insides.