New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"


Dear readers and followers, the number 3/2018 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.

This issue of the journal is devoted to the topics of migration, integration and public governance. The journal contains six high quality scientific papers. In the opening paper A. Winiarska and M. Wojno describe the Polish immigration policy and give a special attention to the status of Warsaw and its capacity in integrating immigrants.T. Giljević and G. Lalić Novak explain the capacity of Croatian public bodies in assuring the coordination of immigration policy, while H. Bauerova gives a description of Czech immigration policy which has becoming stricter. I. Temesi explains the Hungarian immigration policy and rules that apply to immigrants and asylum seekers in that country. An outside European view is given by F. Lazin who writes on Israeli lessons from integrating Russian and Ethiopian immigrants. The last paper is written byS. Đorđević gives good examples of cities in European countries which have found innovative ways in assuring the integration of immigrants.