New book: "Migrations, Diversity, Integration, and Public Governance in Europe and Beyond"
Thebook Migrations, Diversity, Integration, and Public Governance in Europe and Beyond (editors: Ivan Koprić, Goranka Lalić Novak and Tijana Vukojičić Tomić) has been published. It comprises 18 chapters, an editorial introduction, and conclusions for further research.The chapters deal with various aspects of migration and integration policies. The papers examine migration policies at all levels of governance (international, European, national, regional and local), their components, and short- and long-term effects of migrations on democratic processes, local communities, integration of migrants, and public governance in general. As a novelty, the issue of migration and integration of migrants is considered from the perspective of public governance and public administration. The theme of the book is highly relevant, since migration and integration of migrants into host societies is considered to be one of the key challenges at the global and European levels.