Dear readers and followers, the number 4/2019 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.
The last issue of 2019 deals with three different topics: administrative theory, comparative public administration and public law. The section devoted to administrative theory contains the paper written by Ç.D. Çolak in which the present role of administrative doctrine of New Public Management is being discussed. The section devoted to comparative public administration contains four paper. The first one, written by A. Buljan, M. Deskar-Škrbić and H. Šimović, presents an original research in which determinants of public health care, education and administration efficiency in Central, Eastern and South Eastern European countries are being discussed. M. Plata explains civil service in Mexico as well as new ways to combat corruption. R. ManojlovićToman explains performance management system in five European countries, including Croatia. Finally, A. Andabaka andM. Tomek explain theimplementation effects of the European system of accounts 2010 on the government finance statistics in Croatia. The section devoted to public law includes two papers. B.Ljubanović writes about the principle of material truth and administrative procedure while S. Novak explains the Court of European Union’s supervision over sanctions imposed on natural and legal persons. Additionally, this issue of the journal contains a review of the international conference Public Administration in a Democratic Society: Thirty Years of Democratic Transition in Europe whose co-organizer was the Institute of Public Administration from Zagreb.