New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"


Dear readers and followers, the number 1/2020 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.

This issue deals with three topics: comparative public administration, administrative theory and public management. The block devoted to comparative public administration opens with the paper written by R. Muharremi in which the process of institutions building in Kosovo is being explained using the theoretical approach of “garbage can” model. D. Dąbek and J. Supernat write about the administrative state in Poland before and after the European union accession, while I. U. Khan and S. Hussain have devoted their paper to managerial reforms in Pakistan. In the block devoted to administraitv theory, P. Đurman explain various forms of administrative participation, while I. Lopižić explains the roles that deconcentrated state administrstion can have in different countries and under different conditions. The journal concludes with the block devoted to public management. I. Ignjatović analysis the successfactors of urban property management in Croatia while F. Bašić analysis the influence of political stability on labour productivity in Post-Socialist countries of the European Union