This issue deals with three topics: civil service, migrations and diversity, and public governance. The journal opens with a first thematic block, civil service and the paper written by V. Stančetić in which the development and effectiveness of the merit system in Western Balkans is being discussed. Notion are given to the fact that there is still a presence of spoil system. U. Noor and F. Hussain give an overview of anticorruption strategies that have been implemented in Pakistan and their actual effectiveness. In the thematic block dedicated to migrations and diversity, D. Čepo, M. Čehulići S. Zrinščak present the content analysis of newspaper articles dealing with migrant sin Croatia in two period. In the last thematic block, dedicated to public governance, Y. Elicin explains the decentralization processes in Turkey and its present centralization tendencies which jeopardize the right to self-administration. D. NikićČakar present the analysis of coalition governments in Croatia by giving data on their number, duration, and reasons for their termination. The journal concludes with the paper written by I. Lopižić in which the role of county administrative offices in Croatia is being explained.