New issue of the "Croatian and Comparative Public Administration"

Dear readers and followers, the number 1/2021 of the journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration has just been issued.

The first issue of 2021 contains six scientific papers. The first paper, written by O. Kulaç, L. Sobotková and M. Sobotka examines the demand for public administration education in the Czech Republic and provides a case study of the University of Pardubice. M. Pečarič uses the Bayes' theorem as a tool for predicting civil servants and judges decisions when there is space for employee discretion. P. Đurman writes about the social context of administrative organizations and provides the results of the empirical research on e-consultations process in Croatia. G. Berc, D. Baturina and M. Majdak provide empirical research on the NEET population (Not in Employment, Education and Training) in the City of Zagreb. S. Novak explains the member states' security sensitive data in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The journal concludes with a paper written by J. Jambrač who explains the an approach to performance measurement and comparison of public administrations.

This issue also contains one book review: Ulrich Karpen and Helen Xanthaki (Eds.): Legislation in Europe: A Country by County Guide as well as the list of reviewers of the papers submitted to the Croatian and Comparative Public Administration in 2020.